Friday, March 19, 2010

Getting a little work done at the office.


hope you are all ready for Spring. Around here is New England the weather is finally warming up. Granted we got soaked last weekend, but things look better now. Anyways I'm here to talk about our latest products that you can find in the BWScrapbooking shop. We are please to announce our new OFFICE PAPERS line of scrapbooking papers.

The line has eight different patterns that will help you scrap or paper craft late nights at the office, little ones working on home work, and even your favorite loved ones small business keeping efforts can be covered. The line of papers has a variety of graph papers, lined papers, ledgers and even handwriting practice papers for the little ones. We are sure you will enjoy our latest creations, so go check them out by clicking here.

thanks for your time


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Now Offering Double Word Points

Hello all,

we are happy to announce that BWScrapbooking just released our new Scrabble Letter Tiles. This digi alpha set is perfect for projects where you want a game theme.

Scrabble Letter Tiles for Digital Scrapbooking

The set comes with all 26 letters, three symbols, and one blank tile so you can make your own. So come check it out we hope you enjoy them.

Thanks for your time


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Hello Old Friend

Hello all,

wow its been a long time since I wrote here. Sorry to my followeing readers. Last August I started a 9 to 5 job that included a very long commute. End of story after job, commute, and family time there was no real time to design and blog. Well. That job is not over so I am back, and hopefully here to stay for the time being.

So I hope you all had a great holiday season, and a spectacular new years. Given that its a new year, its time to reflect on what we did last year, and what we want to do differently this year. As scrapbookers and paper crafters, we tend to focus on framing and packaging memories to remember those special moments. So for me this time of year has two agendas; review and plan.

Review what you did last year. Yes we want to make sure we have all our photos, and all the materials of what happened last year, but more importantly I am talking about take stock of what worked for you. what made it hard to do these projects. What do you think you need to improve. Reason I say this is even though we work hard on our layouts, card, and projects, the bottom line is this is suppose to be fun, and relaxing, and give you something special to look forwrd to doing. So lets review ad see what are the snags, disappointments, frustrations, and al out yucky things we dont like. You can do this by makinga list, or just doing a brain dump and fill a page or word document with all the things that you could do with out when making a project.

Next lets take that bad list and look at how do we improve it. Let plan for the coming year, and no i am not saying out list out per month what projects you are going to do. Think of this as more a self evaluation of ok here are the things that make my special time crafting frustrating, and look at how you can spin it around. Would organizing help, do you need better tools, do you need to find a way to take notes on the go when you take photos. Think of what you have in your day to day life whether it be the cell phone or pda in your purse, and how you can use it to help your scrap, or maybe its the local store which has crops that could teach you a new skill.

The bottom line is take stock of hat worked lat year, and how we can make it work this year =)

well have a great January everyone

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